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Nikon Lens To Canon EOS Body Adapter with Focus Confirmation

Hey... Great news to all Canon users. There's a new type of EOS body to Nikon lens adaptor on EBAY. The adaptor provides Focus confirmation to the Canon cameras... Amazing..

AUTO-FOCUS Nikon Lens to Canon EOS Body Adapter **NEW**

This will be a great feature instead of having to change the focusing screen.

Tue, 30 May 2006 03:26:39 -0700

The Nikon to Canon EOS body adapter has been around for quite a long time. You can
purchase from any merchant or vendor through the Internet. But a word of caution
that is to mount the lens adapter on to the lens first and ensure that the on/off
switch is set to off on the body before mounting. This is to prevent damages to
your electronic contacts in your body. Those from vendors/merchants through is easily available and affordable. Some fittings are accurate while
others may not be and one has to be careful before mounting to prevent damages to
your body contacts.

Fred Tan
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 02:14:41 +0000

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