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Chapter 26: Removing the Microdrive from the Rio Carbon 5GB MP3 Player

In my "Hacking Digital Cameras" book, I showed you how to disassemble the Rio Carbon MP3 player to retrieve the Seagate 5 GB ST1 Drive. However, I've also explained that I couldn't get this drive to work on any of the digital cameras that I have on hand. But potentially it could be used on a newer generation digital camera that supports True IDE mode. Now, I found out one such camera exists (see excerpt below).

"In addition, I have read, at several places, that the Seagate 5GB ST1 Drive will work with the Sony DSC-F828 digital camera. (See "Seagate ST1 5GB CompactFlash Type II Card" and "DEAL: 4GB CF Microdrive for $79 !!" in "Related Links" below.) Now I am really tempted to buy the Sony DSC-F828. But so far, it might just be unconfirmed rumor; no first hand experience has came forth. I wonder what other digital cameras work with the Seagate 5GB ST1 Drive." - My Adventure with the Seagate 5 GB ST1 Drive (FW: 3.08)

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 22 Jun 2008 08:16:31 +0000

Went to the store and tried the Seagate 5 GB ST1 in a Canon EOS 40D today. It doesn't work. Also doesn't work in one of the Sony alpha's. Don't remember which exact model.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:44:34 +0000

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Title: My Adventure with the Seagate 5 GB ST1 Drive (FW: 3.08)
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Four Seagate 5 GB ST1 Microdrives arrived at my door a few days ago. I had ordered them off eBay, hoping to use them for several potential purposes: 1) primary notebook drives; 2) digital camera storage; and 3) portable storage. I had several run-ins with Microdrives before. The first one was a I . . .
Tracked: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 08:18:47 +0000

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