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Need Battery Pinout - Infolithium G (DSC-W170)

I got a second hand Sony DSC-W170, but don't have a battery or cable for it.
I want to create a temporary power adapter to test to see if the camera works,
before consider investing in battery, memory stick, etc.

There are 3 contacts on the battery (Infolithium Type G).
What are the contacts?
(please also indicate order - e.g. one closest to end of battery is ...).

I expect one will be +, another -, and the third probably some kind of temperature sensor.
(e.g. thermistor between it and one of the other contacts).

Thank you

Scott D
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:16:31 +0400

Here is a photo of the pin-out for Sony NP-FT1. Not sure if this is a Infolithium Type G battery or not.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:48:02 +0400

Sorry, I should have given the battery number as well. Looking for information on the NP-BG1. But looking around to see if the one you pictured was compatible I found some pictures of chargers that actually show the polarity (+ and -), and I even found picture of NP-BG1 batteries with polarity marked on them. (I had looked before, but hadn't found any until now).

So, while the batteries are not the same, they seem to use the same layout of + closest to the side and - closest to the center. So that answers my question.

Scott D
Sun, 22 Jul 2012 01:35:26 +0400

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