Forums: Digital Camera: Panasonic
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I want to travel LIGHT. I thought the Lumix gh1, which shoots stills and HD video would be the answer. Let me say first
it is a beautifully constructed camera. Great for stills, but I found out that for shooting video it is terrible. Even with
stabilization the videos are shaky. Then try zooming, no electric zoom, you turn the lens barrel, now your video looks really terrible. You can't go trekking on vacation carrying a tripod. ( remember I said I want to travel light.) I have done it, but with a fairly heavy gadget bag, adding a tripod, UGH NO.
But that is not all. The video I shot to test the camera, (720X480 30fps,) I was not able to edit in Adobe Premiere Pro 2.
Every clip had to be rendered, and that took forever. My mini digital videos are so easy and smooth to edit. What I also did not know was that if you want to shoot true HD, you must use type 6, Ultra II memory cards. A 32GB card, is 0ver 200 bucks.
You need at least 4 for a 2 week vacation shoot. So I returned it. (Lost about 100 bucks) So my advice is use a camcorder
for video. The electric zoom is so important, and it is a lot easier to video holding a camcorder. I think the camera makers, Nikon, Canon,Panasonic, that all have still cxameras that shoot video, went the wrong way. They should have made a
three chip camcorder that can shoot at least 10mega pixal stills. I have a Panasinic PV-GS500, that takes an SD memory card, but the stills are too low in resolution.
Bill Garofalo
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 01:53:40 +0000
More on the Panasonic 3 chip camcorder PV GS500. The still picture resolution is 4 mega pixels. Not bad, but not that great.
The camera tho, is a real honey. 12X optical zoom, Leica lens. It is small, light, and so why did I plunk down 2000 bucks
to buy the Lumix gh1, I will never know. As my daddy told me many times, " EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER". That is why
I am on this blog. I tried the camera, and this is how I see it. NOT FOR VIDEO. If my Panasonic shot stills at even 8 mega pixels, it would be an unbeatable combination. The dial that switches from video to stills, is right in front of you, NOT on top of the camera. And you store video and stills on separate media. On the Lumix, everything is lumped together. When you down load your memory card, videos have MOV after them, but they are all mixed up, video and stills. NOT FOR ME.
[email protected]
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 02:08:33 +0000
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Title: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 Digital Camera
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Panasonic's Lumix G1 was the first Micro Four Thirds camera but surprisingly lacked a movie mode even when the Micro Four Thirds spec supported video recording. The recent PMA held at Las Vegas saw Panasonic introduce its newer and superior version of the G1 � the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 digital cam . . .
Tracked: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 05:30:22 +0000
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