Camera Hacker

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Ricoh Digital Cameras that Support RAW and TIFF

Still on my quest to look for thin, small, and stylish digital cameras that supported TIFF and RAW image format, I decided to stop by the Ricoh web site. Honestly, I haven�t looked into Ricoh�s line-up much in the past. I know the general perception is that Ricoh makes quality cameras with quality lenses and full manual control that are geared toward high-end consumers and photographers. Now, I don�t know enough about Ricoh digital cameras to determine whether that perception speaks the truth or not. But, hey, if Ricoh has digital cameras that support RAW and TIFF, then, I�d be happy to find out for myself.

Ricoh GR Digital *

Ricoh Caplio GX
Ricoh Caplio GX8
Ricoh RDC-i700

Ricoh Caplio 300G *
Ricoh Caplio G3 *
Ricoh Caplio G3 model M *
Ricoh Caplio G3 model S *
Ricoh Caplio G4 *
Ricoh Caplio G4wide *
Ricoh Caplio R1 *
Ricoh Caplio R1V *
Ricoh Caplio R2 *
Ricoh Caplio R3 *
Ricoh Caplio RX *
Ricoh Caplio RZ1 *

Ricoh Caplio R30
Ricoh Caplio RR211
Ricoh Caplio RR230
Ricoh Caplio RR330
Ricoh Caplio RR530

* TIFF in Text Mode Only

It�s interesting to note that most of Ricoh�s digital cameras supported TIFF format. However, they only support TIFF picture for text mode, which is for recording text documents. Of course, you can use this mode to shoot pictures, but how will they turn out? Are the pictures shot in black-and-white with high contrast? Not just too sure.

But I am sure that the Ricoh GR Digital supports RAW image format, and that Ricoh has three other digital cameras that supported TIFF image format in any shooting mode. I will definitely look into these cameras to see if they supported what I need.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 18:26:04 -0800

Hi Chieh Cheng,

Sorry for "bumping" this old thread ;) Did you found something useful in Ricoh fw? Just today I posted an interesting find in R7 FW file. Maybe you find it useful?

It's here:
Ricoh R7 - possible FW hack for RAW
(from some strange reason, my post is dated as "Thu, 01 Jan 1998"?)
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:55:55 +0000

It's extremely interesting. I've responded to your post there. As for the back-date, see this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Forums.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:41:03 +0000

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